Ciara Sosnowski
Ciara grew up in Southeast Michigan surrounded by the beautiful Great Lakes, which sparked within her a deep love for nature. With the flat midwestern expanses all around, she rarely thought about the mountains until a friend of hers convinced her to head to Acadia National Park and hike Cadillac Mountain. She was beyond anxious and didn’t sleep a wink. She was convinced she’d never be able to do it, but after a tough couple hours Ciara stood on the top of her first ever summit. She felt a deep yearning to be in that moment as often as she could.
Moving to Boston for college, Ciara quickly found herself in the Blue Hills or the White Mountains any weekend she could swing it, with as many people that she could convince to come along. One thing led to another: hiking sparked an interest in camping, then climbing, and backpacking, and just about any excuse to not have a ceiling above her head. While she loved the city she lived in, she still yearned for the quiet times spent in the wilderness and has come to realize its importance in her life. Still residing in Boston, Ciara is excited to bring similar experiences to those around her, too.
Working in various outdoor summer programs for youth from all over the U.S., Ciara also knows that these experiences are often not easy to come by. She is very passionate about outdoor accessibility for youth and adults alike, believes that all people have a right to recreation, and that the barriers to entry are unfair and unjust. It is an honor to work for an organization that holds those same values, and a dream to be able to facilitate experiences for young people to get outside and experience its glory.