Amal and Friends’ Story

Amal, age 17, had the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow in the Boundary Waters with BCM. Along with 4 of her peers from the Sisterhood Boutique – an entrepreneurial organization started by a group of East African high school girls – Amal spent an entire week laughing with new friends and learning how to survive in the outdoors. When reflecting on her trip she mentioned, “I realized just how much I liked nature. I never knew how much before, but being out there and seeing the stars in the night sky – I really liked it!”

Amal’s peer, Fardowza, age 17, also looked back favorably to her time on the water. She shared, “It was very hard, very challenging and very new. I didn’t think I would ever do this ever in my life.  I learned that after some hardship, there comes an ease. After going through some really tough situations, we came across a nice place to stay, played a little, had a swim in a cool lake, walked on a beach, and experienced something new.”

Sara, age 13, added, “[I learned] Being strong is not about your muscle or anything. If the strength is not coming from your heart, then you don’t actually really mean it.”

For other students who are offered the opportunity to participate in a BCM trip Fardowza suggested, “…people should try going on it. I didn’t know Boundary Waters existed before this. And it’s a fun way to learn more about Minnesota. I thought Minnesota was a small, quiet place nobody knows about. But, it’s pretty fun!”

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