find your role at bcm
Youth Participants
Why is this a worthwhile experience?
Young people participate in our programs for a variety of reasons – wanting to experience independence, go places they have never been, or get an experience not everyone gets. What it boils down to is, all students will be able to say “I did something that I never thought I could do!”
Will this experience be fun? Will it be difficult?
It can be challenging to have new experiences outside! BCM activities are designed to challenge pre-conceived limits and provide participants with opportunities to achieve success beyond what they thought they were capable of. It is also an opportunity though to connect with new people, build your community, and develop new skills. Spending this time on your own and with peers will help you feel more mature, capable, and confident. After your week away, your family and friends will see the growth in you and be excited to hear your stories!
What if I don’t have any camping gear for the trip?
No worries – Big City Mountaineers will provide you with all the gear you will need for your trip, including tents, sleeping gear, clothing, and footwear. You or your family do not need to buy anything.
Will I have to share a tent with other people?
On BCM trips, youth participants typically share a tent with 2 to 3 other participants. If sharing a tent with other participants is a concern for you, please reach out to our program staff to discuss this further.
How do I use the bathroom while on trail?
You will learn how to do your business in the woods from our knowledgeable instructors. With the support of our staff you’ll learn steps to use the bathroom, stay clean, and stay safe while spending time in the wilderness.
You can also watch this video here to mentally prepare yourself for how using the bathroom while on trail for backpacking trips might look:
How do I stay clean?
Similar to going to the bathroom, your instructors will teach you different methods and tricks to stay clean while spending an extended time outdoors. This includes washing your hands with soap and water, using hand sanitizer, utilizing bandanas or towels as wash clothes, and preparing water dromedaries for “outdoor showers”. There also may be opportunities to splash yourself with water from creeks, rivers, or lakes, depending on where your trip occurs.
I am a picky eater. What kind of food will we be eating? Am I allowed to bring my own food and snacks?
Big City Mountaineers provides all the food you will need for your week in the wilderness. We provide three meals and plenty of snacks for each day. We promise you will never be hungry on your BCM Expedition! Some examples of meals provided by BCM are oatmeal, pancakes, pizza, jambalaya, macaroni and cheese, hot chocolate, s’mores, and more! You may be able to pack your own snacks depending on the space available and any allergies on the trip. The decision to bring your snacks on the trip will ultimately be up to your instructors’ discretion.
Can BCM accommodate my medical needs?
We work hard to make sure all students who can be safe while exercising in the field can participate in BCM trips. During the registration process, we ask that participants be honest about any medical issues or restrictions that they experience. We will work with both participants and families directly, in addition to your agency staff to determine if we can accommodate your needs. Please know that we will work hard to find ways to make you safe and comfortable on the trail!
Is there anything we’re not allowed to bring?
Participants aren’t allowed to bring their phones on trips. However, the company of the other adults and students on your trip will keep you connected and the beautiful views and fun games will be plenty of entertainment. You can also bring a personal camera, if you want to capture memories to bring home. If you don’t have a camera, don’t worry, we will be sure to take pictures and share them with you so you can always remember your incredible expedition.
“I learned this week that you don’t need anything to have fun. Just being with your friends and with people who care about you and are supportive, you just have the best time in the world. It’s more memorable that way as well.”
–Sara, College Track Program
What happens if I want to come home early?
BCM staff and instructors can work with you to support any decisions that are made while you’re on your trip. While leaving during your trip is not ideal, we understand that there may be extenuating circumstances or emergencies that occur that require you to go home early. We can work with you and your family to coordinate this, if needed.
Parents & Families
Where will my child be going and who will be watching them?
Your child will be visiting natural spaces within 1-3 hours of your city limits. These can include parks, hiking trails, national forests, and waterways.
All BCM trips are supervised at all times by a team of dedicated and trained adults. The adult team is composed of a professional field instructor, at least one staff representative from the participating community organization or school, and a few volunteers who have completed a background check and training led by BCM.
What does the adult (supervision) team look like?
All BCM trips are supervised at all times by a team of dedicated and trained adults. The adult team is composed of a professional field instructor, at least one staff representative from the participating community organization or school, and a few volunteers who have completed a background check and training led by BCM.
Will my child be sleeping in a tent with someone else or other participants?
Tents will be used as sleeping shelters on both overnight trips and multi-night expeditions. Participants often have the ability to choose if they prefer to share sleeping accommodations with other youth or rather have one just for themselves.
What kind of food is offered on BCM trips? How do you handle allergies or dietary restrictions?
We strive to offer food that is highly nutritious, broadly appealing, and relatively lightweight and easy to prepare in an outdoor setting. Any allergies or food sensitivities should be shared on the youth registration form. We are comfortable with planning menus that can accommodate a fairly wide range of preferences with advance notice.
Do I have to buy any clothes for my child to participate in the program?
Not at all! BCM has an extensive clothing and gear library to outfit all youth participants with high-quality, comfortable equipment for any of their trips with us. This includes all clothing layers, accessories, footwear, weather-specific clothing, and camping essentials, like a headlamp. Please do not buy anything new for your child so they can participate with BCM.
How does pick up and drop off work?
Transportation to and from all BCM trips is arranged with your child’s school or community group. Once you drop them off at the pre-arranged trip meeting location, their transportation will be taken care of until we return.
Who will be the point of contact if there is an emergency and I need to get ahold of my child?
Your local BCM staff representative, known as a Regional Program Manager (RPM), will be your primary point of contact at BCM throughout your child’s trip experience. The National Program Director (NPD) and Executive Director (ED) are also available in an emergency situation to lend support with logistics and communication.
Can my child bring their phone on a trip? How does communication work?
Cell phones are not allowed in the field on any BCM trips. This is to help ensure that all members of the group can be fully present with their shared experience and not distracted by the many features of a phone. We recommend that youth leave their phones at home for safe keeping, otherwise they will be stored safely at the trip meet-up location until the group returns.
Trip instructors and some adult participants will have communication devices, including a satellite phone for areas without cell service, to communicate with others in the event of an emergency.
How does BCM ensure privacy for my child (health history, image)?
All sensitive health history information entered as part of our youth registration form will be stored on BCM’s secure, HIPAA-compliant database. This information is only shared with our professional medical advisor for support with trip planning, as needed.
There is an option on the BCM youth registration form to opt out of image sharing, if that is your preference.
What happens if you encounter wild animals?
Most wild animals want very little to do with human interaction and stay away naturally. However, all of our field instructors are trained and experienced professionals and comfortable managing a wide variety of situations in an outdoor setting. There is a focus on education and taking preventative measures to avoid animal encounters in the first place.
How do you handle a medical emergency? What about inclement weather or a natural disaster?
Are siblings allowed to go together on the same trip?
This is a possibility. BCM collaborates with our youth agency partners to determine the age range for the trips and identify participants who are interested in participating. If your children are siblings and both fit the age range of their trip, they may be able to participate on the same BCM trip!
Can I attend one or all of the BCM trips with my child?
Typically parents do not attend BCM trips as a participant. If you are interested in volunteering as a BCM volunteer on trail, you can complete the volunteer inquiry form and our Volunteer Coordinator will reach out in the future to share more about the application process.
Youth Agency Partners
What does BCM provide for each experience?
- BCM will provide fully trained and certified instructors for each trip.
- BCM will cover the permits and planning for the trips, along with creating a menu and providing the food.
- BCM will supply all the specialized equipment and clothing for the student and youth agency staff. A complete packing list is provided in the application packet, but we just ask students to bring things they’d already have at home (shirts, shorts, underwear, etc.).
What are BCM’s expectations of youth agency partners?
Since BCM covers the majority of the cost and the logistics/equipment, the main youth agency commitment is staff time. Besides the weeklong expedition itself, there is a day of volunteer training, a day hike, and a camping trip that a Youth Agency staff representative is expected to attend.
We also ask for support in recruiting students, and following up with them regarding paperwork so that BCM can create the most appropriate programming for your community. BCM can support student recruitment and provide parent information sessions, but will need YAP support to get these completed.
What does the timeline look like for planning a program series?
Initial conversations with Youth Agency Partners typically begin in the fall to share more about what the expectations from the Youth Agency and BCM are. December 31st is our target date to finalize contracts, after which we solidify specific trip dates for the spring and summer program. Trips for the scaffolded program series usually take place between April and August.
What is the program registration timeline?
BCM asks that all registrations for youth participants be completed at least 30 days before your first trip. Youth registration takes place online and typically opens in March. We will need Youth Agency support to get these registrations completed in a timely manner.
What is the process for selecting the youth participants?
Each youth agency helps to identify youth that meet BCM’s participation criteria. These criteria are explained in detail in the Youth Organization Agreement, but include:
- Between the ages of 13 and 18
- Students are motivated and excited to participate on BCM trips
- Deserving of such an opportunity by showing responsibility and respect for themselves and others
- Likely unable to participate in similar activities on their own
- Free from health problems that would complicate their participation in rigorous outdoor activities
- Emotionally, behaviorally and psychologically stable enough not to pose a threat to themselves or others while on the trip.
Beyond these, BCM trusts the youth agency to recruit and choose participants for the expedition in whatever way they feel is best for their organization and the broader community.
How many youth participants do we need to recruit and register?
BCM holds an expectation that there is a minimum of 5 youth participants on each trip. There is room for more participants on each trip series and the maximum will depend on the region and permit regulations. We encourage you to connect with the Regional Program Manager to understand the maximum number of youth participants that can be supported on each trip.
How many staff members have to be at each program?
One YAP staff member is required to participate. BCM has found that having an adult who the students know, respect, and can look to for guidance, particularly in the first couple of days of the trip, is one of the greatest factors in the success of the experience. The staff representative is vital in establishing trust and buy-in from the students.
Having a staff member on the trip also allows for continued teaching and reinforcement of the lessons learned on the trail once students return to their communities.
How much outdoor experience do YAP staff need?
Our adult volunteers are dedicated individuals who have a vested interest in supporting students in their backcountry experience. YAP staff are not expected to have extensive experience in the outdoors, but ideal YAP staff on BCM trips are open to experiencing the outdoors alongside youth participants and embracing challenges with a positive attitude.
We host an all-day training focused specifically on facilitation skills for our adult volunteers and agency staff. This will help you feel prepared and set your expectations for BCM programming. Additionally, the Agency Member is vital in establishing trust and buy-in from the students. Having a staff member on the trip also allows for continued teaching and reinforcement of the lessons learned on the trail once students return to their communities.
What is the YAPs responsibility regarding transportation for BCM programming?
Youth agencies must provide a vehicle and driver to transport youth participants, YAP staff, and gear to all BCM programs. BCM can provide a passenger van or equivalent at a discounted rate through Enterprise and will invoice your organization for this rental cost.
What is the cost to the youth agency?
We aim to keep participation fees accessible for all youth agency partners. Besides transportation fees, BCM requests an agency fee as a contribution toward sharing costs for each expedition. This fee directly helps BCM stretch our funds to get as many students as possible into the outdoors. Your contribution helps BCM pay for items such as their training, handbook, food, gas, campground fees, permit fees, and insurance premiums.
The actual cost depends on the time of year that which contract is signed and returned, varying between $150 and $500.
What does partnership look like in the off-season?
Are there other BCM events we can be involved with?
BCM typically hosts a few community events each year, such as a cookout in the fall, a bonfire with s’mores in the winter, and a gentle hike for youth and their families in the spring. YAPs are highly encouraged to attend these get-togethers!
We also host a variety of information sessions and fundraising events, any of which we would welcome YAP participation to amplify our collective work.
What are some things that BCM does NOT do?
While BCM operates many trips throughout the late spring and summer, we do not offer trips the rest of the year. Fall and winter are key planning times for us as an organization.
In most of our operational regions, we offer day hikes, overnight campouts, and multi-day backpacking expeditions. In Minnesota, we offer paddle clinics and canoe-based overnights and expeditions.
How does photo sharing and joint storytelling work?
We love having the oportunity to share some of the wonderful experiences that youth and their support teams have in the field with BCM. While we do not allow the use of personal cell phones on trips, we do encourage participants to capture photos and other memories using alternative tools.
It is important to us to share stories about the collaborative work we do with youth agency partners and we welcome folks to utilize BCM platforms to give voice to important experiences. Our Storytelling Menu is a good starting place for ideas.
What kind of volunteer opportunities are available at BCM?
There are many opportunities for folks to volunteer with BCM that will fit your interests and time commitments. We often divide them into two main categories.
Backcountry volunteers (on-trail)
These volunteers help our program team to be a part of the trips with our youth. The time commitment is high with this opportunity. For example, once we have selected you to be part of a trip (day, overnight, and/or backpacking) we are counting on your help and to assist our co-guides with making the trip safe and fun for our participants!
Front country volunteers (off-trail, administrative)
These volunteers help our program and events staff with making trips and events happen. That is to help our program staff with administrative days that consist of packing, sorting, cleaning, and organizing gear and food for our youth participants to take with them. On the other hand these volunteers also assist with tabling and volunteering at events that are sponsoring BCM. The time commitment is lower and more flexible for these volunteers, however, we heavily rely on these volunteers to help make our trip planning run more efficiently and be the face of BCM!
These volunteers also include professionals that help us with pro bono work such as marketing, HR consultation, and etc.
What is the time commitment for being a volunteer?
The specifics of time commitment vary widely, depending on the type of volunteering you plan to do with BCM.
- Day hike: expect to be on-trail for an entire day (usually from 7am to 4pm)
- Overnight: expect to be on-trail for 2 calendar days (one night)
- Expedition: expect to be on-trail between 5 to 7 calendar days (4 to 6 nights)
- Once our trip schedule is set, we have high expectations for commitment and communication to help ensure all youth have the opportunity for a meaningful experience
- Administrative day with our program staff: expect a 4 hour commitment
- Tabling and events: expect 2 to 8 hours
- Once we are signed up for tabling or events we have flexibility for scheduling but heavily rely on your help
Pro tip! If you have volunteer time off you can use this time to take a break from work, while being compensated for it by your workplace, and have the opportunity to give back to a great organization!
What is your volunteer selection criteria?
- Volunteers reside within 100 miles of the metro areas where we offer programs
- Follow-through, once committed to any of our trips or events
- Outdoor or backcountry experience (for on-trail positions only)
- Experience working with teenagers (especially youth from disinvested communities)
- Positive engagement with DEI and diverse lived experiences
- Teamwork and collaboration
How old do I have to be to volunteer?
Folks must be at least 21 years of age for on-trail volunteer positions. Anyone that is at least 18 years of age is eligible for front country work.
What are the physical requirements for volunteering?
On-trail volunteers need to be physically able to hike a few miles and carry 25-60 pounds over a long distance. We also need folks with the mental and emotional fortitude to meet students where they are and be a positive and engaged adult presence.
What skills do I need to have in order to volunteer on-trail?
Outdoor experience
We do not expect volunteers to be outdoor experts, but we rely on volunteers to have enough experience that they are comfortable and able to be fully present to support youth participants.
Experience working with youth
We look for volunteers who have experience working with teenagers, as our youth participants are between the ages of 13-18.
Collaboration and open-mindedness
Our volunteers work with people and participants from diverse and often marginalized backgrounds. It is imperative to be open to new perspectives and lived experiences and approach volunteering with us with an open mind to teach and learn.
Are background checks required? Do I have to pay for it?
All on-trail volunteers working directly with youth participants are required to pass a background check before receiving an official role on any BCM trip.
Volunteers are not expected to pay for their background check, however, we are a non profit and you can choose to make a donation to offset the cost of this required service.
What is the volunteer application and placement timeline?
On-trail volunteer applications can be submitted at any time of the year, however, new applications will be reviewed toward the end of each year. For example, applications submitted during the spring, summer, or fall will be assessed later the same year, once the review period opens.
- Applications are reviewed November and December
- Interviews are conducted November through February
- Volunteers are selected March through April
- Volunteers that have previously gone through the screening process will only need to do it once (we do not require an application and interview every year)
Off-trail volunteer applications are accepted any time of the year
When are volunteers needed the most during the year?
On-trail volunteers are needed for the program season from April to August. We need off-trail volunteers year round for gear pack-out and pack-in days, warehouse organization, and support for various events.
Do volunteers receive any training?
We do require training for our on-trail and events/tabling volunteers. Here’s what you can expect:
On-trail volunteers
Administrative volunteers
We provide a basic orientation the day-of for any specific tasks you’ll be working on.
Events and tabling volunteers
We work hard to set newer BCM volunteers up with experienced volunteers or staff to provide real-time support as you learn the ropes. Your volunteer buddy will guide you through talking points and conversation starters to use while representing BCM at events. Once you have some experience and feel comfortable, you’ll have the opportunity to train newer volunteers.
Is there any sort of financial commitment associated with volunteering?
Volunteering with BCM is completely free of charge, however, there could be some costs associated with participating. Some costs to be aware of include:
- Transporting yourself to a trailhead or to our headquarters.
- Purchasing personal items or gear for our trips. NOTE: We have a gear library and can loan out gear for our trips.
In addition, there are financial hurdles associated with volunteering such as having to take time off from work. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities for prospective volunteers to choose from and will work with you within reason to find a position that is a good fit for your circumstances.
Is gear from the BCM library available for volunteers, if needed?
Yes! We understand that volunteering on trail can require expensive gear. We want to – and are often able to – remove that particular barrier for volunteers. We have quite a bit of gear available for on-trail volunteers to use, upon request.
Can I volunteer with you if my company supports BCM?
Yes! We have opportunities for you to volunteer as an individual or as a volunteer associated with a corporate entity. NOTE: We require a full application and background check for all prospective on-trail volunteers, regardless of any brand or corporate affiliation.
We frequently host groups from corporate partners to volunteer together in our administrative and events volunteering. It is a great way to connect and collaborate with each other while giving back to the community.
What is the hiring timeline?
We typically post instructor positions in the late fall and begin interviews in January. Instructors are typically hired by March for our April through August program seasons. This can vary by region and instructor needs.
Where will you post job opportunities?
These will be posted on our website in the “Careers” section. Will also post in many outdoor job forums and groups and will announce openings on our social media platforms.
What is the pay rate? Am I hired as a contractor or employee?
The pay scale is dependent on experience and qualifications and is within the range of $110 – $189 per field day. BCM also compensates $97 per administrative day and $48 per pre-trip meeting.
This pay scale is for 2024 season and is subject to adjustments in future seasons.
How do I submit an application?
This can be completed on our website in the “Careers” section. You will find complete instructions within each job description.
What is the time commitment/expectation for working with BCM?
BCM will prioritize hiring instructors who commit to 1-4 complete trip series per season with BCM. Instructors should expect to work with the same cohort for an entire trip series and be present for the day trip, the overnight, and the expedition.
What skills and certifications do you require? Does BCM cover any education costs?
Baseline qualifications to be a BCM instructor include experience working with youth who come from racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse communities, 35 days of documented multi-day backcountry trip leading experience, a current WFR with CPR or WEMT certification, ability to pass a criminal background check, and a clean driving record.
Each spring, BCM offers 3 day training sessions for instructors in each region to prepare them for the upcoming program season. Instructors will receive a stipend for attending this mandatory training.
Do I have to live in a BCM program region to be an instructor?
It is not a requirement to live in a BCM region to be hired as an instructor. However, it is a requirement to be available for administrative days before and after trips. BCM does not cover lodging for instructors who are traveling from outside of a region.
Can I also work for other organizations if I work with BCM?
There are no restrictions around what organizations instructors can work with and we are open to BCM instructors working for other organizations. Note that preference for instructors is given to those who can commit to attending BCM’s training, administrative days, and trip days.
How much work am I guaranteed if hired?
BCM will hire instructors who commit to 1-4 complete trip series per season with BCM. The amount of work available to instructors can vary and is dependent on the amount of partnerships and trips in each region.
Who will I be guiding? What are YAPs?
BCM partners with other youth serving organizations (YAP – Youth Agency Partner) in each region to support 13 to 18 year old participants in getting outdoor experiences. These youth often come from racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse communities that are underrepresented in the outdoors; for the majority of participants, their BCM trip will be their first outdoor experience.
Who will I work with during my tenure with BCM?
In addition to the youth that instructors support on trail, there are also other adults that act as support on BCM trips. This includes a BCM co-instructor, an adult representative from the youth agency partner, and, potentially, community volunteers. During BCM training for instructors, we will discuss expectations for navigating your work with this adult team on BCM trips.
Are there any benefits associated with working for BCM as an instructor?
In addition to the meaningful experiences instructors can take away from their time with BCM, instructors also receive access to discounted gear through Outdoor Prolink. You can apply for an Outdoor Prolink account and access to these deals on their website by using your BCM paycheck.
What does training entail and is it required? What, if any, is paid?
We require that all instructors attend Instructor Training in their region to familiarize themselves with the BCM curriculum and expectations before the season begins. This is typically a 3 day weekend in April or May and instructors are given a stipend for their time at training.
What is the BCM curriculum like and how do I get familiar with it?
Our goal is to instill critical life skills, not just go on a recreational trip. Curriculum components include group contracts and goal setting, necessary backcountry lessons, team-building initiatives, structured individual and group reflection time, unstructured time for play, fishing, and exploration, and closing awards and celebration. We review the curriculum during instructor training and there are opportunities to review it further on your own or during administrative days. These resources are all available in a Program Manual that each instructor will receive.
Is there a path to full-time work if I start as an instructor?
Being a BCM instructor does not guarantee full time employment in the future. If you are interested in full time work with BCM, we encourage you to continue visiting our “Careers” page to see if any opportunities become available.
Are travel and/or lodging expenses covered?
BCM covers all travel, food, and gear from the start date of the trip to the end date. Any costs related to travel or lodging outside of trip days are the responsibility of the instructor to cover. BCM will not pay for plane tickets, hotel, gas, food, etc. prior to the start day of your trip.
Do I have any say in where BCM trips take place (course areas)?
The Regional Program Manager typically decides where BCM trips will take place due to the timeline or applying for permits. However, there is room for collaboration between instructors and Regional Program Managers for changes to be made to the trip itinerary or route.
What does BCM provide for instructors on trail? (food, gear borrowing, emergency, trail scouting & permits, etc.)
Before the trip, BCM Regional Program Managers or volunteers typically scout the trails and provide insight into program expectations and the course route. Additionally, BCM provides all travel, food, and gear from the start date of the trip to the end date. BCM also provides an emergency action plan for any backcountry emergencies, which includes access to a satellite phone for instructors.
How will my donation specifically contribute to BCM’s work?
All general donations, unless otherwise specified, are applied towards the general operation of our programming and mission-directed work. That means that the money we receive is spent on the many things that enable us to provide transformative experiences for youth outdoors! This includes staff time, instructors, permits, transportation, trip food, volunteer expenses, gear, insurance, and similar.
Can I restrict my donation to be program/initiative specific?
Yes! Though general donations truly support our program in a broad capacity, you may specify “restricted to programs only” with your mailed in check or online via Classy in the Comment section when submitting your donation. Your funds will be marked as restricted and accounting will separate them from general operating.
What is your program’s impact?
You can read more detailed information about our program’s impact and Theory of Change here.
What is BCM's donor privacy policy?
Big City Mountaineers stores all contact information provided in a secure database and uses that information to conduct outreach with supporters. We do not share or sell contact information or identifying information under any circumstances. Any supporter can submit a written request to have their information removed from the BCM database at any time. We use Classy as our donation platform – you can read more about here.
Where can I find BCM’s tax/key financial information?
You can learn more about BCM’s finances and annual reports here.
Is my donation tax deductible? How do I get documentation?
Yes. We are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We will send it to you upon successful completion of your donation.
What’s the best time of year to donate?
BCM graciously accepts donations year round. However, the bulk of expenses occur in the summer months (May-Sept) during program season. A one-time donation during this timeframe or a monthly recurring donation would be most effective in keeping BCM’s revenue stable.
Can I offer a recurring donation?
Yes! A recurring monthly donation is the most effective way to make an impact with stabilized revenue for BCM. You can set up a recurring charge by sliding the toggle bar to “Recurring” on our Donate page.
What methods are available for me to donate?
- Mail checks and money orders written out to: Big City Mountaineers Attn: Development 5394 Marshall St Suite 200, Arvada, CO 80002
- Online via Classy
- Stock donations, see details here
- Planned giving: Speak with your Financial Advisor and contact BCM’s Development Director at [email protected]
- Company donation match program
- Depending on the requirements of your company’s matching program, you may need additional information from BCM. Contact [email protected] to help navigate the process.
How can I turn my outdoor activities into a way to support BCM?
Read more about our Adventure for Someone program here.
What happened to the Summit for Someone program?
BCM has made adjustments to our Summit for Someone program. It’s still possible to fundraise on behalf of BCM with the benefit of exploring your own adventure for a great cause! Read more about our Adventure for Someone program.
Does BCM accept gear donations from individuals?
While we appreciate the generosity of donated gear, BCM strives to outfit each of our youth participants, instructors and volunteers with standardized quality gear to ensure an equitable experience for all, which mean that we don’t typically accept donations of used gear.
If you would like to discuss a possible gear donation, please contact us at [email protected].
Corporate Supporters
What do you look for in a corporate or institutional partner?
The most important thing we look for is to be sure our mission and work align with the company or organization’s funding interests. BCM’s work touches on many themes, including youth access to nature, increasing equity in outdoor spaces, stewarding future environmentally conscious leaders, promotion of physical and mental health, building social and emotional capacities, fostering intergenerational connections across lines of difference, and even workforce development. If your organization cares about one or more of these issues, we believe a partnership with BCM is a great potential fit!
Like most nonprofits, BCM relies on philanthropic and advocacy partnerships with like-minded organizations. We strive to build deep, meaningful, and mutually beneficial longitudinal relationships with our partners.
How can my company partner with BCM?
For thorough answers to this and more, we encourage you to review our Corporate Partnership Guide!
Cash support is probably the most impactful way to support BCM. This can come out of an existing budget, or via a cause marketing giveback campaign. If you’re interested in directing cash support towards a certain geography or program, we can accommodate.
Amplification of our work via communications channels is always appreciated. The best thing to talk about is usually our Adventure for Someone peer-to-peer fundraising campaign.
Volunteering! This includes frontcountry volunteering (helping to pack trips in and out), event volunteering, and for those individuals who want to take a week and go on trail with youth, we have that option. For this last one, we do need anyone interested to go through screening/interviewing/background check/training – working directly with minors rightfully creates a lot of due diligence. BCM regularly makes short presentations for teams interested in volunteering.
In-Kind product donations are essential to keeping our programs running. BCM outfits all youth participants (and some adults too) head to toe, and it’s important to have the gear on hand that keeps them safe, dry, and warm. For this, we can make good use of past season, demo, factory second, or otherwise unsellable product that is perfectly function
What type of support is most meaningful or has the highest impact?
Cash support remains the most important and effective way in which organizations can support BCM. We often need to pivot quickly in response to emerging needs; cash remains the most flexible and effective way to do this.
Who should I contact to start a conversation about potential partnership?
Please reach out to [email protected] as a first step. Your message will be forwarded to our executive team.
What are the benefits of partnering with BCM?
Our corporate partnership program offers opportunities for meaningful engagement with BCM’s community, and creates a space in which organizations’ staff feel an additional sense of meaning and purpose because of your affiliation with causes that speak to your mission and what employees care about. This has been shown to be effective at increasing employee engagement and retention.
Additionally, BCM offers tiered benefits to organizations who partner with BCM at various financial levels, including brand placement on our website and newsletter, collaborative cause marketing campaigns, exclusive engagement opportunities with BCM’s staff and leadership, and more. This is detailed in our Corporate Partnership Guide.
Can my employees/co-workers volunteer with BCM?
Absolutely! We run a national organization in multiple cities with under 15 people on staff, we literally can not deliver on our mission without the help of an enthusiastic volunteer base. You can find more detailed information about corporate volunteerism here.
BCM regularly engages organizations and brands in volunteering. We offer two ways to volunteer: on-trail and off-trail.
On-trail volunteering is competitive and requires every individual to move through a screening, background check, and training process. We take seriously the due diligence involved in placing adult volunteers with minors, especially young people who come from disinvested communities. BCM is very happy to make this process known and accessible to your organization’s employees, but can not guarantee placement on our trail programs.
Off trail volunteering represents a more accessible entry point for groups to volunteer with BCM, and can be every bit as fun and meaningful as trail volunteering. For off-trail volunteering, BCM can accommodate groups with no need for a screening and background check. Groups may assist with our youth trip pack-in or pack-out days, support BCM at events, or even support by providing pro-bono professional services.
We also want to offer brands an opportunity to volunteer by conducting an Adventure for Someone team campaign.
What is involved with launching an Adventure for Someone (AFS) campaign?
Adventure for Someone is an opportunity for your company to raise money for BCM through our peer-to-peer fundraising campaign. Pick an adventure – hike a 14er, do a team 5k, whatever you want! – and pick a fundraising goal for your team. Employees will work with their community to raise money for BCM, and they earn awesome gear along the way! Email [email protected] to learn more, or check out our webpage dedicated to the program.
Is there a toolkit to help my company accurately represent BCM as a partner?
Definitely. Once we have a partnership or license agreement signed with your organization, BCM provides you with a media kit that includes a logo, photos and videos approved for public use, and sample language to get you started with your communications. Additionally, BCM’s communications team is always available to help you craft your messages. We regularly collaborate with brand partners on social media and other digital platforms.
Can you get me photos of our brand’s gear on-trail/with youth?
It’s possible, but not guaranteed. We take great care to ensure that our programs, and the youth who participate, are not tokenized or exploited in public communications and marketing, and that storytelling is asset-based and culturally responsive. Companies who wish to publicly share engagement with youth must work with our staff to ensure storytelling aligns with our values, DEI policy, and protection policy.
For organizations that volunteer with BCM, we are happy to work with companies who want to document their experience with photos or video, provided the individuals meet volunteer requirements and a written agreement with BCM is signed.
Can we collaborate on storytelling opportunities?
Absolutely! There are so many great stories to share with the world, and we like nothing better than to uplift our partners for the essential work and contributions they make to BCM. We encourage you to scroll through our social media platforms and visit our blog for examples of some of our storytelling projects.